Glorified is the one, before whose greatness,
everything is subservient. Glorified is the one, before whose power,
everything is debased. Glorified is the one, before whose command
and kingdom, everything is humble. Glorified is the one, in whose hand is the
control of all issues. Praise be to Allah, who does not forget
those, who remember Him. Praise be to Allah, who does not disappoint
those, who call Him. Praise be to Allah, who is sufficient for
those, who rely on Him. Praise be to Allah, who is the raiser of the
heavens, spreader of the earth, confiner of the seas; who keeps the
mountains arranged; creator of the creatures, grower of trees, who
makes the springs to gush out, who has regulated all the affairs,
one, who makes the clouds to float, one, who makes air, water and
fire to come out from the depths of the earth and who takes them
towards the atmosphere and the cold and hot lands. Through His
favors are the goodnesses completed and through His thankfulness,
the bounties increase; through His command is the sky raised and
through His power are the mountains stable. Beasts of the
wildernesses and the birds of the nests, all recite His praise. Praise be to Allah, whose ranks are lofty and
who is the sender of signs and one, who gives expansion in blessings
and conceals the defects; who accepts the goodnesses and who lends
support in staggering, one, who removes grief and sorrow, who sends
down the blessings, who accepts the supplications, who revives the
dead and is deity of all the creatures of the sky and the earth. All praise is for Allah, upon every praise,
every mention, every thanks and patience, every Prayer and Zakat,
every standing up and worship, every success and auspiciousness,
every increase and mercy, every bounty, nobility and obligation,
every comfort and distress, every severity and ease, every
difficulty and hardship, every straitness and relief, every
self-sufficiency and poverty and in every condition, upon every time
and place, every stage and location and place of return. O God, I seek your refuge, grant me refuge; I
seek your neighborhood, accommodate me in your shade; I seek help
from You, assist me; I am pleading from You, please respond to my
plea. I am praying for You, accept my prayer. I seek assistance from
You, please help me. I seek guidance from You, guide me. I want
sufficiency from You, be sufficient for me. I seek your refuge, give
refuge to me. I am attached to the rope of your guidance, protect
me. I rely on You, so be sufficient for me.
Accommodate me in your refuge and your neighborhood and grant me a
place in your most secure refuge. Grant me protection and security,
surveillance and observation, and your peace. Grant me a place under your shade and deem a
strong shield for me; and grant your protection, security, guarding
and surveillance from the front, back, left, right, up and down, so
that no creature may come near me with its harm and detestable act.
I adjure You by there is no god, except You, You are the most favor
giving, originator of the heavens and the earth and the owner of
majesty and nobility. O God, protect me from the jealousy of the
jealous, oppression of oppressors, deception of the cheaters,
tricker of the tricksters, attacks of the attackers, tyranny of the
tyrants, injustice of the unjust, excess of the unfair, oppression
of oppressors, attacks of the attackers, pressure of the compellers,
accusation of accusers, antics of those, who create panic, tale
telling of tale tellers, corruption of the corrupt, magic of the
sorcerers, rebellious and satans, injustice of the rulers, and
protect me from the worst actions of all the people of the world. O God, I ask You by that name of yours, which
is in the unseen treasure trove and which is clean and pure, through
the auspiciousness of which the sky and the earth endure, and
through whose light, the darknesses are lit up; and the angels have
recited its praise and the hearts tremble by it, and the necks,
bowed before it; through it, You revived the dead; that You forgive
all my sins, whether committed in the darkness of the night or the
light of the day; whether committed deliberately or involuntarily;
whether committed secretly or openly. And bestow upon me certainty,
guidance, effulgence, knowledge and understanding, so that I may
establish the laws of your Book, legalize your lawful and prohibit
your unlawful, perform your obligations and establish the practice
of your prophet, Muhammad. O God, join me with the righteous characters
of the past and include me among the upright folks of the present,
and end my acts in the best deeds, as You are the forgiving and
merciful. O God, when my life ends and the days of my tenure are
complete, and meeting You becomes necessary, O kind Lord, my
entreaty is that make obligatory for me a place in Paradise, seeing
which the first and the last become envious. O God, accept my praise and be kind to my
entreaty and pleading. And have mercy on my confession against
myself. I have made You hear my voice among all the callers and have
expressed my sincerity amidst all the pleaders, and I have extolled
You among all the speakers, and have placed your glorification among
all praisers. And You are the responder for all those, who
plead, refuge giver to all the seekers of refuge, helper of all the
helpless, refuge of those, who flee, who harkens to the moaning of
all the believers, who reforms the sinners, and Allah blessings be
on the prophet, who was the giver of glad tidings and the warner,
and illuminated lamp, and upon all angels and holy prophets. O God, the layer of the earths, and the
creator of the heavens, and one, who fixes the nature of the hearts
and one, who decides the fortunate and the unfortunate. Appoint your most noble salutation, more
blessings, send greatest greeting on Muhammad, who is your servant,
messenger, trustee of your revelation, who will rise up with your
proof, who defends your sanctities, those, who express your command;
who bestow stability to your signs, and are fulfillers of your
pledge. O God, in exchange of every excellence,
merit, distinction in every condition and every stage, where You
found your Prophet your helper and found him steadfast in the most
severe circumstances; found him enemy of your enemies and friend of
your friends, away from all detestable things and caller to all the
pleasing things. Grant the excellence of your rewards and
specialties of your bestowals, through which his issue gets
precedence and his rank is exalted, along with those, who were going
to rise up with your justice, so that no merit, excellence, mercy
and nobility should remain, with which it does not specialize
Muhammad and grant him his most exalted rank and convey him to the
highest positions, amen, O Lord of the worlds. O God, I entrust to You my religion, my self
and all your blessings on myself, so take me in your refuge,
protection, respect and security. As your neighbor is powerful and your praise
is exalted, your names are sacred, and there is no deity other than
You. You be sufficient for me in every comfort and discomfort,
severity and ease, as You are the best of the protectors. O God, I have relied on You, turned my
attention to You and only towards You is my return; O God, don’t
make me a means of trial for the disbelievers and forgive me sins as
You are powerful and wise. Our Lord, turn away the chastisement of
Hell from us, as this is a great loss and the Hell is the worst
place of stay and location. Our Lord! decide between us and our
people with truth; and You are the best of deciders.[1] Our Lord! Forgive us therefore our faults,
and cover our evil deeds and make us die with the righteous.[2] Our Lord! and grant us what You have promised
us by your apostles; and disgrace us not on the day of resurrection;
surely You do not fail to perform the promise. Our Lord! do not punish us if we forget or
make a mistake; Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as You laid on
those before us. Our Lord do not impose upon us that which we have
not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and
have mercy on us, You are our Patron, so help us against the
unbelieving people. Our Lord! grant us good in this world and
good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the
fire. And may Allah bless our chief, Muhammad the Prophet and his purified progeny and grant security to them. |
subhaana man tawaa-za-a’ kullo shay-in
le-a’zamatehi, subhaana man zalla kullo shay-in le-i’zzatehi,
subhaana man khaza-a’ kullo shay-in le-amrehi wa mulkehi. subhaana manin qaadat lahul omooro
be-azimmatehaa. al-hamdo lillaahil lazee laa yansaa man
zakarahu, al-hamdo lillaahil lazee laa yakheebo man da-a’a-ho,
al-hamdo lillaahil lazee man tawakkala a’layhe kafaaho. al-hamdo lillaahe saamekis smaa-e, wa
saatehil arze, wa haaseril behaare wa naazedil jebaale, wa baa-re-il
hayawaane, wa khaaleqish shajare, wa faatehe yanaabee-i’l arze, wa
modabberil omoore, wa mosayyeris sahaabe, wa mujrir reehe wal maa-e
wan naare min aghwaaril arze motasaare-a’atin fil hawaa-e, wa
mohbetil harre wal barde. allazee be-nea’matehi tatimmus
saalehaato, wa be-sukhrehi tustawjabuz zeyaadaato wa be-amrehi
qaamatis samaawaato, wa be-i’zzatehis taqarratir raaseyaato, wa
sabbahatil wohoosho fee falawaate, wat tayro fil wakanaate. al-hamdo lillaahe rafee-i’d darajaate,
munzelal aayaate, waase-i’l barakaate, saateril a’wraate, qaabelil
hasanaate, moqeelil a’saraate, monaffesil korobaate, munzelil
barakaate, mojeebid da-a’waate, mohyil amwaate, elaahe man fil arze
was samaawaate. al-hamdo lillaahe a’laa kulle hamdin wa
zikrin, wa shukrin wa sabrin, wa salaatin wa zakaatin wa qeyaamin wa
e’baadatin, wa sa-a’adatin wa barakatin, wa zeyaadatin wa rahmatin,
wa ne’matin wa karaamatin wa fareezatin wa sarraa-in wa zarraa-in,
wa shiddatin wa rakhaa-in, wa moseebatin wa balaa-in, wa u’srin wa
yusrin, wa ghenaa-in wa faqrin, wa a’laa kulle haalin, wa fee kulle
awaanin wa zamaanin, wa (fee) kulle maswan wa munqalabin wa
moqaamin. allaahumma innee a’a-ezun beka
fa-a-i’znee, wa mustajeerun beka fa-ajirnee, wa mus-ta-e’enun beka
fa-a-i’nnee, wa musta-gheesun beka fa-aghisnee, wa daa-e’eka
fa-ajibnee, wa mustaghferoka fagh-fir lee. wa mustanseroka fan-surnee, wa
mustahdeeka fahdenee, wa mustakfeeka fakfenee. wa multaje-an elayka fa-aawenee, wa
mustamsekun be-hableka faa’simnee. wa motawakkelun a’layka fakfenee, waj
a’lnee fee e’yaazeka wa jewaareka wa hirzeka wa kahfeka wa
heyaatateka wa haraasateka wa kalaa-ateka wa hurmateka wa amneka. wa tahta zilleka, wa tahta janaaheka, waj
a’l a’layya junnatan waaqeyatan minka. waj a’l hifzaka wa heyaatataka wa
heraasataka wa kalaa-ataka, min waraa-ee wa amaamee wa a’n yameenee
wa a’n shemaalee, wa min fawqee wa min tahtee, wa hawaaliyya hattaa
laa yasela ahadun menal makhlooqeena elaa makroohee wa azaaya, laa
elaaha illaa antal mannaano, badee-u’s samaawaate wal arze, zul
jalaale wal ikraame. allaahummak fenee hasadal haasedeena, wa
baghyal baagheena, wa kaydal kaa-edeena, wa makral maakereena, wa
heelatal mohtaaleena, wa gheelatal mughtaaleena, wa zulmaz
zaalemeena, wa jawral jaaereena, wa’ tedaa-al mo’tadeena, wa
sakhatal muskheteena, wa tashahhobil motashahhebeena, wa sawlatas
saa-eleena, waq tesaaral muqtasereena, wa ghasHmal ghaashemeena, wa
khabtal khaabeteena, wa se-a’ayatas saa-e’ena, wa namaa-matan
nammaameena, wa sehras saharate wal maradate wash shayaateene, wa
jawras salaateene, wa makroohal a’alameena. allaahumma innee as-aloka bismekal
mahkzoonit tayyebit taaheril, lazee qaamat behis samaawaato wal
arzo, wa ashraqat lahuz zolamo, wa sabbahat lahul malaa-ekato wa
wajelat minhul qoloobo, wa khaza-a’t lahur reqaabo, wa ohyeyat behil
mawtaa: an taghfera lee kulla zanbin aznabtohu fee zolamil layle wa
zaw-in nahaare, a’mdan aw khada-an sirran aw a’laaneyatan, wa an
tahaba lee yaqeenan wa hadyan, wa nooran wa i’lman wa fahman hattaa
oqeema ketaabaka, wa ohilla halaalaka, wa oharrema haraamaka, wa
o-addeya faraa-ezaka, wa oqeema sunnata nabiyyeka mohammadin sallal
laaho a’layhe wa aalehi. allaahumma alhiqnee be-saalehe man mazaa,
waj a’lnee min saalehe man baqeya wakh tim lee a’malee be-ahsanehi,
innaka ghafoorun raheemun, allaahumma ezaa fanaa U’MREE WA
TASARRAMAT AYYAama hayaatee, wa kaana laa budda lee min leqaa-eka,
fa-as-aloka – yaa lateefo - an toojeba lee menal jannate manzelan
yaghbetonee behil awwaloona wal aakheroona. allaahummaq bal midhatee wal tehaafee war
ham zaraa-a’tee wa hotaafee wa iqraaree a’laa nafsee wa’ teraafee,
faqad as-ma’toka sawtee fid daa-e’ena, wa khoshoo-e’e fiz
zaare-e’ena, wa midhatee fil qaa-eleena, wa tasbeehee fil
maadeheena. wa anta mojeebul muztarreena, wa
mogheesul mustagheeseena, wa gheyaasul malhoofeena, wa hirzul
haarebeena, wa sareekhul moameneena, wa moqeelul muznebeena wa
sallal laaho a’lal basheerin nazeere was seraajil moneere, wa a’lal
malaa-ekate wan nabiyyeena. allaahumma daa-heyal madhuwwaate, wa
baa-re-al masmookaate, wa jabbaalal qoloobe a’laa fitratehaa,
shaqeiyyehaa wa sa-e’edehaa. ij-a’l sharaa-efa salawaateka, wa
nawaameya barakaateka wa karaa-ema tahiyyaateka, a’laa mohammadin
a’bdeka wa rasooleka wa ameeneka a’laa wahyekal, qaa-eme
be-hujjateka, waz zaabbe a’n harameka, was saade-e’ be-amreka, wal
moshayyede le-aayaateka wal moofee le-nazreka. allaahumma fa-a-a’tehi bekulle fazeelatin
min fazaa-elehi, wa manqabatin min manaaqebehi, wa haalin min
ahwaalehi, wa manzelatin min manaazelehi, ra-ayta mohammadan laka
feehaa naaseran, wa a’laa makroohe balaa-eka saaberan, wa leman
mowaaleyan wa a’mma karehta naa-eyan, wa elaa maa ahbabta daa-e’yan. fazaa-ela min jazaa-eka wa khasaa-esa min
a’taa-eka wa hebaa-eka, tusnee behaa amrahu, wa to’lee behaa
darajatahu ma-a’l quwwaame be-qisteka, waz zaabbeena a’n harameka
hattaa laa yabqaa sanaa-un wa laa bahaa-un wa laa rahmatun wa laa
karaamatun illaa khasasta mohammadan be-zaaleka, wa aataytahu minkaz
zoraa wa ballaghtahul maqaamaatil o’laa, aameena rabbal a’alameena. allaahumma innee as-tawde-o’ka deenee wa
nafsee wa jamee-a’ ne’mateka a’layya, faj-a’lnee fee kanafeka wa
hifzeka, wa i’zzeka wa man-e’ka. a’zza jaaroka, wa jalla sanaa-oka wa
taqaddasat asmaa-oka, wa laa elaaha ghayroka hasbee anta fis
sarraa-e waz zarraa-e wash shiddate war rakhaa-e, wa ne’mal wakeelo. rabbanaa a’layka tawakkalnaa wa elayka
anabnaa wa elaykal maseero. rabbanaa laa taj-a’lnaa fitnatal
lil-lazeena kafaroo wagh fir lanaa rabbanaa, innaka antal a’zeezul
hakeem. rabbanas rif a’nnaa a’zaaba jahannama, inna a’zaabahaa kaana
gharaamaa. innahaa saa-at mustaqarranw wa moqaamaa. rabbanaf tah baynanaa wa bayna qawmenaa
bil-haqqe wa anta khayrul faateheen. rabbanaa faghfir lanaa zonoobanaa wa
kaffir a’nnaa sayye-aatenaa wa tawaffanaa ma-a’l abraar. rabbanaa wa
aatenaa maa wa-a’ttanaa a’laa rosoleka wa laa tukhzenaa yawmal
qeyaamah, innaka laa tukhleful mee-a’ad. rabbanaa laa to-aakhiznaa in naseenaa aw
akhtaanaa, rabbanaa wa laa tahmil a’laynaa isran kamaa hamaltahu
a’lal lazeena min qablenaa, rabbanaa wa laa tohammilnaa maa laa
taaqata lanaa beh, wa’ fo a’nnaa, wagh fir lanaa, war hamnaa, anta
mawlaanaa fansurnaa a’lal qawmil kaafereen. rabbanaa aatenaa fid dunyaa hasanatanw wa
fil aakherate hasanatanw wa qenaa a’zaaban naar. wa sallal laaho a’laa sayyedenaa mohammadenin nabiyye wa aalehit taahereena wa sallama tasleemaa. |